Monday, February 1, 2016

WWF Raw January 18, 1999 review

Beaumont, Texas
January 18, 1999

The crowd in Beaumont, Texas, was already jacked for the beginning of RAW IS WAR, and it went absolutely insane when the glass broke and out came Stone Cold Steve Austin! With just six days to go before the Royal Rumble, Austin promised to whoop Mr. McMahon's ass all night long this Sunday on Pay-Per-View, and vowed that he would go the distance and win! He said that there was good news and bad news for Mankind. The good news is that the Deranged One is a well-deserving and respected champion. The bad news is Mankind would have to face the Rattlesnake at WrestleMania XV!

The first match of the night was for the Hardcore Championship! The Road Dogg said that although his name isn't Buffy, he would be a vampire slayer when he took on Gangrel! The Road Dogg some how kicked out after being powerbombed through a table! Later he put Gangrel through another table with a elbow drop, leg drop and then big splash from the top rope. He finished off the Brood member after two stiff chair shots!

Sunday on HEAT, Mr. McMahon gave Ken Shamrock the week off to "train", but forced his Royal Rumble opponent, Badd Ass Billy Gunn, into a match on RAW against Test. Before the match got underway, Shamrock could be seen backstage lacing up his shoes. Back in the ring, Mr. Ass vowed he would win the Intercontinental Title this Sunday. Then he turned his attention to the Corporate Insurance Policy. Test really put a beating on the six-time Tag Team Champion, and when Gunn finally got the upper hand, he was attacked by Shamrock! The World's Most Dangerous Man was completely out of control-he drove Mr. Ass face first into the announcer's table and later slapped on the ankle lock!

Shamrock was still on the rampage. Backstage, as Kevin Kelly tried to get a word with the number one contenders for the Tag Team Championship, Jeff Jarrett and Owen Hart-but Shamrock and the Big Boss Man attacked them! After being separated by Federation officials, the Big Boss Man went after Mankind, and the two superstars rumbled backstage during the commercial break and all through the next match-Steve Blackman against Dan Severn.

After being attacked from behind eight days ago on HEAT, Blackman was looking for revenge on "The Beast". The Lethal Weapon thought he had Severn finished off after a thrust kick, but the Coldwater, Michigan native hit Blackman with a low blow, earning a disqualification, and then put him in the Dragon sleeper!

Mankind and the Big Boss Man rumbled their way out to the ring area and their Hardcore Rules match officially got underway, although it had unofficially been going on backstage for several minutes. After being backdropped into a steel chair-head first-Mankind recovered and hit Boss Man with a double arm DDT, setting him up for Mr. Socko and the Mandible Claw. However, The Rock ran in from the back and clobbered Mankind with a steel chair right on the skull. Later, he nailed him with a Rock Bottom on the chair.

It was the moment of truth for Mark Henry, as Chyna called out "Sexual Chocolate" and forced him to either tell the truth or she would show some embarrassing footage. With his mom sitting at ringside, Henry confessed that nothing happened during his date with Chyna. But Chyna rolled the footage anyway-and it showed Mark Henry being seduced by Sammy before realizing that "she" was actually a "he". "Sexual Chocolate" was totally humiliated, and Chyna told his mom that there was no disrespect intended, but her boy had it coming.

Next up, Al Snow took on the superstar that stole Head, Goldust! The winner of the match was supposed to get Head. After Snow rolled up Goldust into a pinning combination and won the match, Goldust planted him with a spine buster, and then nailed him with the Shattered Dreams! The Bizarre One once again walked off with Head! After the break, the Undertaker appeared and promised that at the Royal Rumble there would be a sacrifice, "and your simple minds won't allow you to believe who the next victim will be".

In another match scheduled on HEAT, Chyna took on Mr. Brisco and Mr. Patterson in a Handicap Match! The stooges used wrestling moves that haven't been seen since 1960, like the airplane spin. Apparently forgetting that Chyna is a woman, Mr. Brisco went for a low blow. All this did was anger the Ninth Wonder of the World and she got two handfuls of Corporate Jewels-one stooge in each hand! Mr. Brisco even threw powder into Chyna's eyes! With the DX bodyguard blinded, Sable came out to help, but Luna attacked her on her way out! Chyna eventually regained her sight, DDTed both stooges, stacked Mr. Brisco on top of Mr. Patterson and sat on both to get the win! In a match ordered by Commissioner Michaels, it was Corporate member against Corporate member as The Rock took on Kane. Mr. McMahon tried to get Kane to let The Rock win, but the Big Red Machine refused and the match got underway! After several low blows by The Rock, Kane recovered and administered a chokeslam! The Corporate came in and gang up on him, but Mankind came out with a chair to even the odds. Mankind went after The Rock, who was walking back toward the locker room. But Stone Cold walked out and trapped The Rock. As The Rock turned around the face Austin, Mankind pummeled him with a chair! Mr. McMahon looked on in disgust!

What is going to happen this Sunday when Stone Cold Steve Austin and Mr. McMahon are 1 & 2 in the Royal Rumble?!

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